Celebrating A “Golden Anniversary”

My parents Bryan and Thelma celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary On September 26, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Katherine Holland)
My parents Bryan and Thelma celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary On September 26, 2014.
(Photo courtesy of Katherine Holland)

On September 26, 1964 my parents wed in Ceylon.  It was a big celebration with two families becoming one.   My dad’s parents had passed away earlier on in my dad’s life.   I couldn’t even imagine not having my parents attending my wedding. But he hit the jackpot marrying my mother who came from a family of nine.

My parents moved to Canada in 1966 to embark on a new life and opportunities.  My mother prospered first with a job in the government  soon after my father followed being employed as an accountant for a car dealership.  ( maybe that’s where my love of cars stems from )

It wasn’t very long until both my parents moved into full time positions in the Ontario Provincial Government.   In, 1989 my father opened up his own accounting firm and quit the government.  It was a risk looking back but 30 something years in business with only referrals to keep the family business going says a lot!

Eventually I came along.

My Mom and me styling as always
My Mom and me styling as always

Through the years my parents sponsored many of our relatives over to Canada.   My parents worked hard and long hours always wanting to excel in their new country.  I recall a story my dad told me about how they bought there first house.  They were saving up for a vacation that summer.  A road trip to Nova Scotia he recalls .  They had gone for a drive that Sunday and saw the house of their dreams at that time ( we moved a lot)   So, they threw caution to the wind and cancelled their trip to buy their first house.

I am very proud of my parents for reaching this milestone of 50 years of marriage.  We all know marriage is not easy at any given time.  So what was the secret to their success.  My dad says” its all your mother, she has a sixth sense or as you call it a woman’s intuition about everything.”  ” I just learned to listen to her more and more each year she was right” he chuckles knowingly.   He is correct my mother has a knack for sensing things .

 She is calm, practical, sensible  and cautious and well let’s just say my folks are opposite.

Growing up my folks were very strict with my, they made it clear we weren’t friends and there were rules to be followed under their roof.  Our bond has always been a close one.  It has always been just the three of us.  I am an only child ( insert the comments here lol!)    Companionship was never an issue.  We had the family cat Tabitha, a Siamese Chocolate Point with an attitude followed by Bailey who was like a bull in a china shop.

As a child I remember a lot of road trips as part of our family vacations.  The eight track blaring and me in the back seat taking it all in .  We shared many laughs through the years as we do now.

Karen Johnson's Family - Sept 2014 (Katherine Holland)

Laughter always filled our home
Laughter always filled our home

 As the years passed I have never lost that connection with my parents.  So in honour of their Golden Anniversary my parents, husband and boys where Europe bound.  ( you can read about the ports of call in my previous blogs).

We had no plans to mark the occasion with a big party partly at my parents request.  But one Sunday at Mass another couple was celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a blessing from our parish priest.  It brought tears to my mother’s eyes and a pondering moment to my father.  At that moment I decided to throw caution to the wind (mostly my parent’s wishes) and the party planning unfolded.

On the actual day of their anniversary I booked an incredibly team, a  talented photographer by the name of Katherine Holland.  (Katherine Holland Photography) and Make up artist Suzanne Mckay. We had worked together before and I truly adored them both.  They were the  perfect team to shoot our family photo.

I had my sons and hubby all dressed up in their tuxedos ( we rented the boys tuxedos) .   Needless to say there was a lot of grumbling.   But once the camera started shooting it was a magical scene.

After the shoot my parents renewed their wedding vows in a private ceremony held in their home.  My good and long time friend Father Xavier De Pinto ( we went to High School together).  Preformed the intimate ceremony .  They exchanged rings and completed the evening at the Keg.  ( we were all starving we had to eat)

private ceremony
private ceremony

The next day we had a full blown party.  The 110 guests who attended the BLACK TIE EVENT, where treated to an incredible evening filled with great food, good people and memorable stories.  My parents opened the dance floor that night to

Anne Murray’s ,”Could I Have this Dance For The Rest of My Life”

It was truly beautiful as my parents dazzled their guests with a beautiful waltz.

Fab from FABULOUS CAKES, did a beautiful job creating a miniature version of their original wedding cake.  Kari Sardella, a family friend and client also contributed with a chocolate TOP HAT, to celebrate my father’s birthday milestone being celebrated that evening.

Posing for the family portrait on their Anniversary My Dad "Bryan" Mom "Thelma" and Karen in the middle photo courtesy of (Katherine Holland)
Family portrait on their Anniversary
 Dad “Bryan” Mom “Thelma” and Karen in the middle
photo courtesy of (Katherine Holland)

Even though the magical night  is over the celebrations continue within our family.  We are grateful to have each other.

Happy, Healthy & together forever!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad love you both forever and a day…….xoxoxo